Feb 16, 2010

In the Beginning...

I'm sure it's the same story as every other girl. I was 23, fresh out of college, and didn't have a clue as to what I wanted to do with my life. I was a manager in a clothing store, and wanted nothing more to be out of the retail world. There weren't a lot of other options in my town though, and I couldn't just up and quit without another source of income; I was paying rent, a car payment, and random utility bills... money didn't exactly grow on trees for me.

One day, out of pure curiosity, I opened up the local phone book to the yellow pages and skimmed the “adult entertainment” section. Did I want to be a hooker? No, absolutely not! An escort on the other hand? That I could do; I could get all dressed up and do my hair and make up and let the upscale gentlemen in our fair town show me off at business dinners and the like. And if I made $400 a night? Even better.

I didn't become an escort though. After two phone calls with two “owners”, I knew that it was not for me. Now, don't get the wrong idea about me, I was by no means... hmm... naïve about the situation I was about to put myself in. I wasn't expecting to go into any of this and expect to not have to do something with the gentlemen who were paying for my time... I just wanted to keep it on the legal side.

Adult Massage. The words stared up at me from the pages of the phone book and I thought about it for a whole three minutes before I picked up my phone and dialed the number.

The lady who answered the phone had an extremely pleasant voice, I immediately liked her, and knew she wasn't shady, as the others I had spoken to. I asked her if she was doing any hiring, told her that I had never done this before, but was very interested in it.

She said she was in fact hiring, but what she was looking for was a younger girl, blonde with blue eyes and maybe some curves.

Well, how about that? At the time, I was 23 but could easily pass for younger if needed, blonde with bright blue eyes and a 36D. I told her this; she laughed and asked when I could start.

To say I was a bit taken aback was putting it lightly. But I realized it was either take the plunge or not, and knowing that the check I had written for the electric and gas bill was likely to bounce if I didn't do something quick, I knew what I had to do. I asked her when she was available to meet with me. We agreed upon a time later that afternoon, at a local restaurant. I asked how I would know who she was, she said she'd know me by my description, otherwise, I wasn't what she was looking for.

Two hours later, I sat in a restaurant booth sipping water nervously and waiting for … well, I didn't know who I was waiting for! She showed up exactly on time though, and sat down right across from me and said, “You are exactly what I'm looking for.”

We were off to a good start.

Now, when you think of “Madams” there's a certain image that will pop into your brain. At least, that was the case with me... but maybe I had watched The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas one too many times, or watched too many late night shows on Cinemax. The lady who sat down across the table from me was not 6 feet tall with long black hair, perfect skin and an amazing body.

Lauren, as she introduced herself (*note, she actually introduced herself as Angie, who I would find out two weeks later was in fact, one of the other girls and not herself... Lauren was, if anything, a genius at protecting her identity until she knew she could trust you.). Anyways, Lauren was in her mid-30's and yes, she was very pretty, but she was more on the plain side. Her hair was curly, her teeth slightly crooked, and she had lines around her eyes. She wasn't super skinny, but probably weighed somewhere in the 140s-150s... curvy as hell though.

She explained to me right off the bat her rules, and her rules were simple.

1.Don't dress like a slut. You want to be able to blend in and not call attention to yourself. The last thing you need is someone to recognize you days later while you're out to brunch with your boyfriend.
2.Always carry your cell phone when you say you're available to work, and always be available to be anywhere in town within 45 minutes, 30 would be better. If something comes up and you can't be available, call and let her know; it was as simple as that.
3.No drugs. The second she found out one of her girls was was doing drugs, they stopped getting appointments.
4.No sex. See rule #3.
5.Above all, be classy.

By this point, I still wasn't sure that this was something I wanted to do, but I found myself really liking Lauren. I could see myself working for her, and as she continued talking, it really didn't seem like such a bad thing to do after all.

The way she ran her business was simple. She did all of the advertising, had the business listed as an LLC, and had a separate phone line. The calls would come in, she would describe to the caller who was available, and they could pick who they wanted to see. She would set up the time of the appointment, the location (we would either meet them at their residence, provided they lived alone, or at one of several hotels in the area), and then call that particular girl with all of the information she would need for the appointment.

I was fascinated as she went on to talk about pay rates and her percentages. Again, it was very simple. A standard hour would cost the gentleman $130... for the massage ONLY. Anything additional would be tipping and was up to the discretion of the girl. If we were to provide a location, or had to drive more than 20 minutes, the price went up to $150. Generally, it was cash only, but if they wanted to pay by check or credit card, and the funds were present in their account, the rate was $160.

Anonymity was key. Never were we to use our own names or provide any identifying details about ourselves. While my town was big in some ways, it wasn't in others; everyone knew everyone. The last thing you would want is to give some a guy a rubdown, only to learn he was the brother of your best friend's boyfriend.

And yes, that has happened.

We were still talking and her phone rang. She answered it very sweetly with a “Hello, may I help you?” And then listed the details to the caller. She was in the middle of giving descriptions of the girls working and suddenly, she winked at me. Before I knew what she was doing, I heard her say, “And today you're in luck, I have Casey starting on her very first day! Casey is blonde with blue eyes, she's 5'5, weighs 120 pounds, she's very curvy!”

I can't even imagine what the look on my face must have been – I hadn't decided yet if I was going to do this or not! Lauren went on talking, even I could tell that she knew who this guy was and that he was a regular of sorts. “Yes, she's gorgeous,” she said into the phone with another wink at me. “In one hour?” She looked at me directly. “Let me see if she's available then.”

Was I available in one hour? I took a deep breath and made my decision. I nodded firmly and she smiled brightly at me. “Casey is available and will see you in an hour.” She put the phone down and looked at me. “Are you ready?” she asked with a smirk.

That was a damn good question.

1 comment:

  1. Hey-I posted on 2OSB, but I have just read all your posts and am very interested in your life. I love meeting people will all sorts of different life stories-I really do. I am looking forward to reading more!



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