Feb 19, 2010

The First Day

Before I continue my story, let me assure you of a few things. I come from a very stable family. My parents have been happily married for 30 years, I have a younger sister.. we are for all intents and purposes, one of those perfectly happy families. I do not have a drug problem (I've never smoked a cigarette!), I've never been in an abusive relationship - I am not now, nor have I ever been what you would label as some stereotypical hooker you would laugh at and throw pennies to on the corner. That's not the case at all. As (if) you read on you will see and possibly understand, why I did what I've done, and why I don't regret any of it.

Moving on.

So when we last left off, I was sitting at a table with Lauren and not twenty minutes after meeting her, she was asking me if I was ready for my very first appointment. Was I?

You're damn right I was!

Oh, I was a nervous wreck, but before I could stop myself I was nodding my head and agreeing to go out and do... well, I didn't know what I was about to do, actually.

Lauren was amazing, as odd as that sounds. She asked me if I'd prefer she accompany me on this appointment, and again, I said yes before I could stop myself. So we left my car at the restaurant and she drove us to the motel I was to meet this guy at. On the way there, she filled me in on how to behave, what to say, and more of her rules which really, weren't rules, but more suggestions.

As she explained it to me, this appointment was going to be $130 for the hour. $65 of that amount would go to her, and the rest would be mine. For that price, I was only to do a massage. If I wanted to do anything else (and it was purely up to me), that would be additional tipping, which I could set at whatever rate I wanted.. and that money was solely mine.

Are you kidding me? I had no idea what I should be "charging" these guys! Lauren must have seen the look of panic on my face and she offered up a few suggestions.

An additional $50 to go topless.
Another $20 if they wanted to touch.
Round it up to an even $100 for the "full" massage aka happy ending.

My mind was whirling at this point... seriously? A guy would be willing to pay $260 dollars just for that? Lauren laughed and assured me that once I was more comfortable and knew what I was doing, I would be very surprised at what a guy would pay for certain things.

Needless to say, I was intrigued.

So here we were at the hotel and in the parking lot waiting; and she's advising me of things I should keep in my car, and that I should have a specific bag for appointments - a hand towl, baby oil, antibacterial wipes, a hair brush... pretty standard actually.

Unfortunately, the guy never showed up. Little did I know at that point that for every 5 appointments made, maybe 2 of them will actually go through. Guys, though willing to pay assloads of money for minutes of time; are also very nervous creatures who love the idea of an adult massage but can't quite make themselves follow through.

So yes, my very first appointment was a no-show. I quickly got used to that. However, as we were driving back to my car, another phone call came in with the request to see a young blonde later that evening. Lauren asked if I wanted to try again and I found that I really did.

We agreed to meet at a specific location at a designated time and once again, she would go with me. In the meantime, I was off to the store to buy a few supplies.

Yes, this guy did show up. How did it go? Well, that's another story.

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